
surreallll page

I guess you could psychoanalyze my entire personality and thoughts and dreams and hopes in life but I just think some of these dreams are funny

times are in MM/DD/YY you british fools!!!! also I'm too lazy to add a back button so you gotta use the back button in your browser to leave the dreams but I guess that's just something you gotta deal with

silverhair (1/14/24)

sculpting class (1/15/24)

word salad (2/2/24)

will ferrell is god (2/29/24)

survivor (3/24/24)

the locker 4 odyssey (3/30/24)

fred video essay (4/29/24)

telltale (5/6/24)

I just made the worlds largest ice chair (5/12/24)

the world is going to end (5/20/24)

suitcase star wars (5/22/24)

eating dory (5/26/24)

Bush Turnabout (5/31/24)

monster roleplay based on that four hour video about the star wars hotel (6/4/24)

patrick works at the TSA (6/21/24)

house of fractal zone (6/23/24)

stranger things cruise?? (6/26/24)

footsteps (???)

claustrophobia (???)

random short dreams