eating dory (5/26/24)

I feel like dory having to frantically remember something important (this dream)

so we start with dory and marlins home being invaded by this hypnotized army of fish, taking over the land and kicking them out of their homes.

They learn that they hail from a fairly cold region somewhere with a lot of snow and theres a fish in an aquarium there that has taken control of them.

They get to this place, and they learn about this survivor game taking place which is the majority of this dream.

Im participating in this survivor rpg thing, and I built the map so I know where all the secrets are, think poptroica in a more 3d space with stuff around to find.

We also do several challenges along the way to do with drawing and stuff and it goes well.

Along the way dory gets kidnapped by the evil fish controlling the army, and dory learns that they themselves are also hypnotized for some reason, and dory snaps them out of it and the fish is super chill and whatever.

We then learnt theres a horcrux system in place to keep them hypnotized, and the evil fish has a part of themselves out in the world that allows them to retain their powers.

Meanwhile in the survivor thing we're doing this split up challenge thing where we have to trust the other person to send us immunity, or if they haven't, then they're forcing us to eat really spicy food. But, your vote is at risk if you open the tin. So you have to decide if you think it’s worth it to open up the food tin. I open up mine, and it’s crackers with really spicy ketchup. I scarf it down immediately and win my immunity. I also go head to head with a different person who ate spicy food and also beat them by scarfing all of it down.

We also had an art contest and an eating area outside involved in the dream but I forget why those are important.

I've gotten to the final three, and I'm writing down in my handy dandy notebook all of the ways I deserve to win this event, when we get a buzz on our radio saying we have to clear out of there because “Russia doesn't like this”, so of course we kinda had to clear out of there.

As it turns out, Russia was the one to work on this hypnosis technology, whoops.

We huddle into this small aquarium store thing as we figure out our situation.

Then dory randomly figures out about the Russia thing, then immediately tries to get back into the tank with the evil fish guy, realizing she knows Russian, so she must be the Horcrux in question that keeps him hypnotized.

She figures that by being eaten the curse will wear off and there will be no more army attacking their home.

Marlin reasons and says “how do we know some other army isn't going to show up later”, with Dory replying with “we *know* they'll be back if they aren't stopped now”, and the evil fish obliges, eating Dory.

The fish army stops fish armying, and everyone gets very sad.