Bush Turnabout (5/31/24)

play this song while reading, my dream demanded it:

In this dream we start off with a family that’s fallen apart in pieces and has no hope of recovering, so we have this magical person take us to the past to take a look at previous events.

One of them was when all of us were in a field at a farm dancing for some reason.

We were all in this meadow with cool dresses or something and just having a ball...

The problem was me tackling a group of people for a ball that was thrown at me, making the family upset.

Then we look at a murder plot for someone else in the family, where they found a bit of an alcove at a sidewalk to hide and bide his time, behind a false bush.

Then, he would go into the bush, into a secret compartment, and then remove one of the slabs on the ground, revealing a tunnel to leave and skedaddle.

This goes all the way to the same farm place, and us in the future are judging this guy a TON for the whole murder thing.

After that, I dream about WRITING down the dream exactly like I am now, with Luke Atmey’s theme in Ace Attorney playing in the background to convey chaos chaos chaos or something.