stranger things cruise?? (6/26/24)

We open up the scene on playing Total Drama for some reason, hanging on these chain pulley things and feeding food to some birds, making sure not to fall off.

Then Chris springs us into the air wildly, and me and Olivia start talking about the future and what she might want to do as a career while flying midair nonchalantly.

I bring up cruise ships as something that would work as a career, then Olivia and I climb into a car midair that just appears then boom we cut to us in a taxi right next to some cruise ships.

I get on one and start showing someone where to put their laundry, so we go downstairs, thinking it's a different cruise ship with different rules, and we end up finding my family chilling in their underwater suite.

Apparently this room is better in September for the Stranger Things show though so we got it cheap in December.

We go up these stairs outside to a little pool area that lets out into the ocean.

Everyone except me swims out and tries to reach a nearby island and come back.

Everyone emerges from underwater at the same time because they were swimming underwater for some reason?

But anyway then my sister vomits up some mac and cheese and I ask her to clean it up.

My mom pops up and asks her to try the floor mac and cheese, before smelling it and realizing it's probably not good for consumption.