these are shorter dreams where I don't remember that much about themmm

Me and a few content creators (Danny Gonzalez included) are in the audience of a stadium and some sort of game is happening in the ice rink that's eliminating people or something.

a lot happened
first of all there was this dream where superhero kids had to be flown off to some hero school in an airplane bus but before any of that happened a loud ass dog morph kid yelled about how excited he was to be here then the air force shot down the place but as it turns out once you die in a dream you awake to spamming funny chicken images in discord. There was a lot of other dreams but I took too long waking up to be able to write them down

hey future jemma I remembered
There was this Colon video about the greatest story ever told through someone sleeping in a coma, and how they had music playing in their ears and that influenced their dreams, with normal updates in discord about it, I was including in the credits as HeyDerred for some reason?? I forget what reason it was, potentially for inspiring the coma person into thinking dreams are real I guess

cloudy with a chance of meatballs but its spongebob and the weather is turned into money as soon as all the food falls

well ralsei, susie, and noelle were there

extremely posh british guy is talking about how death isn't covered in the media at all, mostly because the poor people die WAY too much, also the main topic of discussion (this is a video essay) is stanley parable, famously for its death

had a dream where my parents were on a road on the side of a cliff, and on the edges of the cliff were a bunch of stray animals that we were zooooooming past, one of them got in front of us and then we veered off the cliff, then I woke up. I've had a lot of dreams akin to this in general, literally every time a dream takes place in a car that car crashes somehow

different dream where (to cadrega) we were walking down a sidewalk that looked vaguely familiar to across the globe’s, and we were holding hands (don’t ask how that’s supposed to work with her using her sweater sleeve and my hand being a cube), and we looked at each other, blushed profusely, then smiled, and then boxo trapped both of us in a cage and teased us about fruits

(to cadrega) we were kinda just sitting on a log somewhere trying to talk, and you wouldn't really say anything and you'd display emotions on your screen face thing
then we hugged

I had a dream about going to an alternative timeline, and changing events around to suit my needs, to get the upper hand on life, but I revert the timeline back to normal to preserve it. Not before I go back and reset it, telling my Mom I'm 200 days older than when I started. We then partake in a game to get as many pails as possible to the other side of this obstacle course, which I win, and then technoblade gives a small monologue about how he won the challenge.

There's this rat scratching on the back door of a house we're in, someone mistakenly opens that door and lets the rat in not knowing there's a million rats outside, I'm upset by this

we're on this camping trip in an RV, my dog Axl materializes out of nothing during nighttime when everyone is asleep (but the RV still moves for some reason), and he's talking now also. He's talking about the millions of ant-sized people trapped in the desert with no hope of escape, and how I need to run and place them alongside the road to give them better lives?? I also climb on top of roofs at our destination to let the ant people have air

waking up was realizing detective pikachu returns sucked

infiltrating a school

astralspiff was explaining how to beat this prison level in GD (3 hour video) but also it wasn't GD it was weirdly real life? My cousins were there in the old [doxxed place] house also we were in school in prison for some reason

trans cousin found out about jemma

competitive truman show
syndrome takes pity on mr incredible and tries killing him on some waterfall thing

Recording geometry dash levels for my parents because they look nice but the gameplay is weirdly choppy

Playing a horror game where a small baby spawned every minute and you had to ascend the floors of a non euclidean mansion to escape the babies that constantly follow you and damage you.

house of leaves x DC comics on disney XD

My brother and I share a room again and I am PISSED

I attempt to make a dating sim, and save a dog from eternally choking on this relic artifact thing

catsmp goes on a train

the creator of Nintendo plotted against atari because he was an aspiring video game developer and got hired to work on merch sales

played TF2 with Adrian, Gabriel, and Querky, in a small community map called maze that was annoying to play through. Nothing else happened.

played raft with someone but it's a survival horror game with the backrooms where nowhere is safe, if you're too low to the ground the tunnelers will get you, and if you're too high SOMETHING gets you? Menacing music plays constantly. Also we're on land now instead of sea

A bit fuzzy on the details I just remember making a portal 2 puzzle in minecraft and my uncle tells me it doesn't work because the stairs to a part of a puzzle are too hidden and not fun.