the locker 4 odyssey (3/30/24)

oh my god so much happened but I gotta be quick before I forget any of it

we start in a diner with the impactical jokers and my parents trying to eat a bunch of random food akin to the dougdoug 10 fastfood restaurants challenge, with sal and my dad needing to pee and making a big fuss over it for no real reason, this is from my pov, and then (I am making this so much shorter than it was thanks random kids in the other room distracting me) then at some points sal and dad are audibly complaining about having to pee, and everyone can hear them clearly.

My dad puts mustard on him to try and ease the pain somehow.

I also suggest he just goes outside, so he brings a spoon to attempt to show off to everyone outside.

We don't hear from him again.

Once we're done in the restaurant (probably McDonald's or something idk) we then go to walk outside, as the family with our worst enemies in it come into the restaurant.

The dad is apparently like the worst fucking human being ever or I just felt like saying “FUCK YOU” as loudly as possible to the one holding the baby.

The baby's face shrinks and starts to cry as I clarify I was cussing out the dad, who was also just not there at all so what's the point, and the baby says thank you.

So we walk outside, go onto this hill looking thing on the road, as I shout to my mom “THIS IS A DREAM, NOTHING CAN HAPPEN” she doubts me, then this tornado appears down the road and comes towards us, like an invisible fan.

I willed the fan to stop, which only make the invisible fan move under us.

I ran to this cliff face on the side of the road, climbed it, and made it a pop artstyle.

We're then transported to this locker room place.

I have key 4, I unlock key 4 and go do a test real quick, and have to use the bathroom, but I instead use my parent's bathroom instead of the one with a line, it's the same one from the restaurant so I just didn't bother.

I ended up breaking the door though. and then I exit to this really weird VR experience, traveling in a small circular hallway surrounded by small, inanimate, glowing jellyfish.

I even felt one of them on my forehead so they were probably real.

After the tunnel, I start thinking of a previous dream I had, where there's a room with a bunch of rocks next to this pool of water (if this is a dream I had I don't remember it).

According to me, this is a VR walking simulator, the most clever thing apparently, then we cut to this police scene, (I'm probably missing a whole event before this) where they're trying to test multidimensional travel right next to the same restaurant as before, nearly slicing …some character?

I forget.

I just remember it was some relevant character who appeared in both dimensions close together.

Because in multiple dimensions, the same mirror characters are always close by.

The multidimensional travel though looks a lot like RGB lights spread out on the floor or being held up by two officers midair.

Keep in mind these officers are anthropomorphic animals as they like, cut Mario or something in half I forget who it was.

There was more I forgot of this storyline.

Keep in mind all these things happened but they're out of order.

We then cut back to the restaurant for round two of the challenge.

Sal looks a lot more like a glutton, and still audibly complaining about the food and having to pee, as I realize he's DEFINITELY the epitome of a reddit mod at that point.

Sal then takes the loss on Impractical Jokers, as the announcer says “Well, he definitely lost”, getting kicked out of McDonald's.

So we then cut back to the locker room, where Will Arnett is visiting.

He's there to visit the teacher, who apparently constantly had a class to teach in every timezone but has to go there physically for it so her life is just a nightmare.

Will Arnett is here to comfort her though.

I pop in to open locker 4 with this really muddy key that I break, realizing I'm just wearing pajama shorts, and have no shirt.

I'm not out as trans in the dream so nobody has a reason to care about this but I know deep inside that it's just uncomfortable.

I try to brush it off as nothing but it isn't nothing.

My brother is also here trying to impress Will Arnett, preparing this elaborate speech about Mario to make him jealous somehow, which ends with us just impromptu talking to the guy.

We then cut to this movie trailer of this fantasy world where a giant red apple is evil and bad and wrong, and there's a king and queen near a church who can't go in the church otherwise the undead would rise up from the ground or something, as my mind recites “Big Red Apple, Will Arnett, Locker 4” as if it's found some grand conclusion to take from all of this.

I try going to my parent's bathroom again, but the door is in a different place than before, being hinged with the bed instead of the doorframe.

This place is a copy of my parent's room, with christmas lights everywhere instead.

The movie and the locker room cut between each other often as my brain tries reciting “Big Red Apple, Will Arnett, and Locker 4”, as it turns out we are in that fantasy world and Will is EVIL.

I accidentally give a kid in the Locker Room a picture of my Dad pissing with a spoon, because I thought he was our worst enemy, but he was in fact our worst enemy's kid from earlier, so he screams like a banshee about this picture, as I say “FUCK YOU” to him.

I'm also constantly thinking about how this is a weird dream that I'm going to have to write about, as everything before the VR experience I thought to be a dream, and everything afterward I thought to be real.

Then we arrive at this old stone tablet thing, engraved on it a discord screenshot of someone saying meow in discord while making some corny joke about it.

I then walk down the same tornado road, satisfied with the day(???).

I then hear wrapper noises, as I actually wake up and hear my dad pick up balloon mess in my room.

So begins the desperate attempt to make sense of any part of what just happened while kids are in the other room watching Shrek really loudly.