sculpting class (1/15/24)

I was being pissy to my mom about going to sculpting class, then accidentally made my teacher stab a child with his pickaxe thing, somehow?

I'd have to guess it was spray painsting someone gray for the vine or something.

After that, the only person alive in the class was this old man.

Also, sculpting class looked like the red rooms for some reason (the zigzag floors with the red curtains as walls that red rooms).

I then took to social media and annoyed the hell out of multiple people (Sky, Andorra) and undermined their authority or something idk why, mocking them using emojis (Andorra was talking about how list grinders have romantic partners, and Sky was talking about various people making jokes).

Our discussion took place on what looked like either a calendar or a board game, and spamming :sob: is one of the lesser tasteful things I've done in a dream.

Then, I went to a physical school for the day, as my brother in the car talks about how after today the next day of school would be in three weeks (December or January 22nd).

I was so pissed off at my mom for some reason that I lashed out and told her how useless she was, and then she got VERY angry.

She was trying to force me into school, but I just decided I quit school, and then my actual mother woke me up saying “I could make some coffee for you” and I'm sitting here for a second thinking “I am so sorry please don't murder me”.