house of fractal zone (6/23/24)

There was a dream where Patrick and Spongebob were competing to be my grandma, fighting in some sort of purple arena.

Then I woke up.

Then I attempted to roll over back to sleep to lucid dream some of the environment I was in.

It was in fact not a purple arena, more of an olympics style field, with flags all over the world outlining it, and a scorecard of Spongebob vs. Patrick in their Sponge out of Water models.

All I remember is that they were fighting until the Blue Cube Woman showed up (me, my oc), and tried to break up the fight.

Then I have to report that is not the dream I'm focusing on, and we switch away to a different dream.

I wake up in this house, a house with a staircase upstairs, and shelf parkour that also leads upstairs.

The entrance is in this part of the house that's walled off weirdly like a minecraft house but with holes that lead to other areas.

Top right from the entrance is the living room, left from the entrance is the kitchen, up the flight of stairs is my room, and up another flight of stairs is the bathroom.

This is the house I will be living in for this dream.

Any time locations or areas are mentioned I physically walk over to those areas through this house.

I even tried to go up the stairs the Swag Route way with the shelves that could resemble stairs but decided not to because of the flower pots on them.

We're preparing for me to go to college.

It's this stressful time in my life, and I'm flabbergasted at what we're supposed to do.

Thankfully, we're going on vacation first.

I climb into a sleeping bag for, uh, funsies I guess?

Then I get out of the sleeping bag and end up in this big arena.

The walls were lined with purple bricks, with a seating area filled with nobody.

We were playing archery, but I was the target now.

So I had to run across the arena to safety, where this man introduces himself as the Gamemaster.

Then I get transporter back to the sleeping bag and "wake up".

I'm amazed at this news, so I grab a few friends to try and join me, namely my cousins and my brother.

I'm trying to convince my little sister that this is a real phenomenon and she isn't having it.

I attempt to show her by getting back in the sleeping bag, but it doesn't work again.

I try a few more times before I'm able to get back to this realm again.

This time, I'm in a copy of the house, again with the walls full of purple bricks.

There's spike traps on the floor that will activate if I land on them, but it looks like Spongebob and Patrick broke out of their dream to join me in this one, and helped us cross the room of spikes.

My POV switches to them for a little while.

I think to myself "wow, spongebob really does have good new episodes, LS Mark didn't give them enough credit", as they ascend a spiral staircase in the center of the building, and reach the bathroom room.

In there lies a chained up dog.

This dog was previously evil in the previous dream that I mostly forgot about, but Spongebob and Patrick make a remark about this, citing the time they met the dog.

They used to guard this area for evil, but was convinced to join their side because Spongebob and Patrick pushed past their differences and became best friends again.

They aren't even idiots, they're like, the Season 1 version of themselves in their prime!

Anyway, we get the dog out, and sneak into the purple bathroom, and the door closes shut.

We can't get out of the room.

We're locked in.

Suddenly I wake up with my sister impressed that we disappeared earlier to go to the Purple Realm.

Me in the dream realizes that this is probably the Outsider Zone manifesting itself in my dream (which I also figured was happening by now, but the lucid dream continues).

So I tell everyone in my family that this house contains the Outsider Zone, and weird shit starts to happen.

Furniture shifts over to other places that it isn't supposed to go, doors lead into areas that they didn't previously go to, and then I slowly thought that I mixed up the Outsider Zone and the Fractal somehow?

Maybe THAT is where my dream was taking place.

Some doors started locking themselves after people walked into them, and it took an hour or two to get them out somehow.

So my Mimi visits and has to get keys from our bathroom, the same one guarded by the dog before, and the same one that got locked before, several times.

I'm in her POV, and I decide to reach over with my foot so my full body isn't in there and it doesn't detect that I'm in there.

This ends up working, but there's also a picture next to the keys, showing my parents on their own vacation trip.

Flashback to when they were on that trip, having fun driving on a road, relaxing on a beach, then the picture flies away into the bathroom and the door locks shut once again.

It was about time that we reenter the Fractal Zone or whatever the place was to have some choice words with the man who runs it.

So, we all conceal ourselves in various things around the house; boxes, sleeping bags, blankets, whatever covers our whole body.

We all end up there, including Spongebob and Patrick still for some reason, and the Gamemaster introduces himself again as the master of this realm, which is contained entirely by this House.

One would imagine he's referring to the House of Leaves.

It actually turns out that he's Ryan Reynolds from that one imaginary characters movie that's coming out/came out, and he stresses the importance of creativity to us or something while talking to the bubble character.

We cut forward in time, assuming we conquered the trials or told off the Gamemaster for trying his damndest, and

"Damn it."" says someone (idk from whose POV I was)

"Don't invoke that word."" says Grandpa, despite not being a religious man.

They were both watching me in the distance waiting to be picked up from college to go back home afterwards.

I was thinking of this new hit single released by Rodrick from Diary of a Wimpy Kid which didn't sound half bad, in fact, in this universe he's a world famous rock artist and has music videos in the style of the books, which is kinda cool.

Anyway, I try to cut in line to be picked up out front of the college, but I didn't "pay the special fee" despite paying for first class or something.

(sidenote I was portrayed as a girl so uhhhh :3)

We did also go on vacation at some point, although it's never referred to here, and we return back to the same house, we just yknow defeated the Gamemaster and his trials so we were fine now I guess.

and the Gamemaster takes us to his Hell levels, which I think my brain was inspired by the Help Wanted Halloween DLC or something when I thought them up for this dream, because I blurted out how the main game was harder than the DLC or something.

It was this big chamber, with darker purple bricks surrounding a lava pool thing.

The doors led to teleporters similar to Talos Principle's, and led to remixed versions of the original things we had to do to beat the Gamemaster.

We were pissed that they were forcing us to do this shit again, and he replied with "I am the hell gamemaster" I don't remember when exactly I got pulled out of my dream but it sure was