patrick works at the TSA (6/21/24)

so in this dream we have patrick star trying to get a job in the krusty krab and he fails, obviously because he's this dumb dumb guy and can't get a job with anything and that kinda sucks so he decides he needs to get a job with this airplane service, and patrick is working as TSA essentially, checking people in, and we have this montage of showing he's doing a great job, properly reviewing their luggage, and making sure they're okay to come in.

At the end of it, the manager comes out and says "You let everyone in???" as if as TSA you are SUPPOSED to turn some people away from their flight.

Patrick is distraught by this, so later on he goes up to the manager and says "you can fire me, or I can go apologize to everyone individually", which doesn't really make sense but the manager goes with the apology route, so Patrick spends a bit of time apologizing to everyone.

We cut to a different scene of me and my brother rummaging through the lost and found in this back corridor of the area, sifting through slips of paper for funsies yknow.

We found several checks for hundreds of dollars but since it felt like rummaging (because it was) we stopped fairly quickly, still commenting on a bunch of the stuff in the lost and found for a bit.

We cut back to Patrick apologizing to everyone, then an alarm blares.

We cut to these lizard aliens who have been planning on breaking into the airport for a while now and today was the best day to do it because the TSA let everyone through and there were minimal defenses.

So, they burst through the wall and started shooting people with space guns.

But, since Patrick apologized to everyone (for some reason) they banded together and fought against the lizard aliens.

All of a sudden, behind the fish folk, another wall breaks, and it's a bunch of robots with human heads in jars on top of them.

If they die, their jar head turns head and they kinda just fall over and die whoops.

Those cyborg people HATE the aliens, and start attacking them.

They win against the aliens and yippee woohoo the fish folk are excited!

But then the cyborgs go against the fish folk, and then the fish folk also somehow win because Patrick Star is the goat or something.

The manager then promotes him to work on TSA on yachts for some reason and that's swell for him