hiya I'm Jemma, blue cube woman extrordinare
this little webpage is here to give you a bit of info about me, and linktree to other stuff
- my name's Jemma, I live in california somewhere perhaps. Born on July 3rd, 2006.
- my pronouns are she/any (my pronouns page), most girl blue cube you've ever seen but she doesn't mind being called other things. gender norms are fucked though
- I'm diagnosed with aspergers (on the autistic spectrum), meaning you're gonna get a lotta rambling sometimes. I kinda need a minute or two to think about stuff as I'm saying it, will flub a lot of what I say when talking. I try my best to express how I feel about subjects, even when they aren't really relevant to much. Thought experiments are a lot of fun and I tend to drone on about those a bit too.
- controversial take I think people are cool. gay people, black people, neurodivergent people, firefighters, people in general I think. Wouldn't exactly call it being progressive or woke or a liberal per se, I think it's basic respect to recognize that people live different lives than you do sometimes, and I try to live with that in mind.
- with that being said I'm gay
- I like talking and thinking about game development, my backloggery page is where I discuss and talk about games I've played, and track my backlog in general.
I wanna work in game development as a career, and I have a lot of particular ideas for games to make.
In general though, besides the game development, I also just play video games a lot in general.
- I mentioned a blurb about how I ramble a lot earlier, but really, I ramble a *lot*. If you strike a fun conversation with me, I'll see it through. Debating philosophy and morality are my absolute jam. I think a lot about a lot of things. Just be sure to not be trolling or something. My discord is hiyajemma feel free to hit me up for fun stuff
- I also draw in my free time a lot, when I'm feeling bored and wanna watch some youtube idly in the background for a few hours. I like bundling up in bed and drawing on my dinky phone and getting better at it over time.
I post a lot of my art on bluesky, feel free to follow me there for that sorta thing
- once in a blue moon I like editing videos here and there, I post on my youtube channel when I have something to upload. I have a few ongoing projects here and there I want to dedicate time to, but it's nothing too big usually
- I've put a lot of time into geometry dash specifically, I know the ins and outs of the editor, I know how the game works top to bottom, and I have a lot to show for it. It's generally contributed to some sorta coding knowledge, but it's the most pathetic kind of coding to have a solid grasp on tbh. I may or may not create stuff on there when I feel like it, but I'm not entirely sure on that as much anymore.
- Only music I've really listened to as of late (outside of game OSTs) is glass beach. Really damn good stuff, highly recommend.
VRC model by Silver
general oc parameters:
- you can either draw just her cube head or her whole body, either way it represents her
- she can be drawn with or without a tail but she does have one
- suggestive art's fine but no nsfw don't be weird
- if you do draw her, tag me on bluesky or dm me on discord please I like seeing art of my oc
- any art of her I have the right to post on my accounts (with credit ofc)